
Welcome to Triple C Feedlot

This high standard feedlot was established in 1969 by Izak Crafford. He bought the farm Maybole in that year as a bare piece of land with only an old farmhouse as improvement on the farm.

From relative modest beginnings, this operation went from strength to strength.

Triple C Feedlot was bought in 2008 by AFT Property Trust from Crafcor Farming when the late Mr. Crafford decided to finally retire. 

Today Triple C Feedlot consists of a feedlot with 25 000 cattle, with its own feed factory and a state of the art processing facility. 

Backgrounding is done on approximately 5 000 ha and maize is planted on 1 200 ha, mainly for the production of silage. 

The group owns a game farm which is used for the benefit of the family. The group loves nature and is very focused on conservation.

The group also acquired an abattoir 40km away from the main operation. Triple C Meats are now distributors of high quality meat, produced in the group’s feedlots.

The group business ethos is based on their slogan; “We live beef so that South Africans can love beef”.



The vision of the Triple C Group is to be a leading feeding, processing and wholesaling operation, producing high-value, consistent, safe and wholesome beef products that meet or exceed the rapidly changing needs of consumers, while providing opportunities for independent beef producers to profitably harvest and process healthy superior beef.


The mission of the Triple C Group is to provide customized cutting services and assist in the integration of the beef supply chain from producer to consumer.

Triple C Feedlot Facts:

* 6 500 ha is owned by the group and used to background cattle, plant maize and produce their own high quality hay.

* 250 tonnes of feed is fed on a daily basis. The feed factory is monitored by a sophisticated feed management system.

* An electronic identification system (EID) has been introduced, ensuring cattle traceability from purchase to delivery to client.

* The group has its own transport division conducting all of the required transport from newly purchased calves and feed inputs to supplying meat to their selected clients.

* Triple C Feedlot has recently involved all of their staff members, in the form of an employee trust, in a custom feeding project to the benefit of the staff members only and is proud to be a leader in this field.

* Weaners are acquired from all over South Africa and Namibia and only quality calves from leading farmers are purchased.

* Triple C Feedlot and Triple C Meats employ approximately 170 workers. The group provides housing, electricity and water to all employees.

* Triple C employs a full time, world renowned veterinary surgeon.

* A nutritionist is utilized to ensure that the best, most nutritious and healthy rations are formulated for the cattle on a continued basis.
